04:16:00 28 October 2007
A Pleasant Surprise!
Love It!
Appreciate It!
Thanks Guys!
And...Thank U!
00:38:00 22 October 2007
Hey ya'll! Went Raya-ing with friends earlier today. It was fun, but a lil' bit tiring for me as I had a long night the night before. Last year didn't get to join them for the outing cause I met with an accident during Ramadhan. So this year is like a must to join. Wasn't really keen on going actually but mum talked me out of it. All of us gathered at Hairil's place. Supposedly have to be there at 11. But janji Melayu kan, the last person to reach was at 12. I was late myself. Haha! We all took a rented bus this year for the outing. Went to a total of 9 houses. So yeah, its tiring. I don't know why la, even when not riding i felt tired. And tomorrow still have to work. Wahh!!Argh!! Ugh!!! Goodnite People! Haha!!
19:33:00 14 October 2007
First and foremost, would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! I would also like to seek for forgiveness from friends, friends of friends, friedns of friends of friends and it goes on. If there's any wrongs that I had done, do take note that I am only human and might have done it without me realising or on PURPOSE! May you and your family have a joyous Aidilfitri! Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin!
P.s. This year raya not that meriah kan? Hehehe!
00:17:00 10 October 2007
The Diary Hadi Still Keep, With My BiodataOk, first and foremost, sorry for I have not been updating for such a long time. Been very busy lah kan. And yeah, earlier went for a small reunion with my CNPS mates. Just 7 of us turned up. The others? Too busy with life I guess. It's a great feeling, not meeting up for like..9 years? That's for me and Akhbar lah. Hehe! It's fun, Adam and Sofiyah need to let loose n talk more. Akhbar too. The rest including me, we're fine. Haha! And, and Hadi still keep the diary during primary school time where we write our Personal Data! That's so CUTE! And I just remembered that most of which regard me as their "BestFriend"! Just so cracking! Well, can't wait for the next outing and it doesn't matter if "The Others" can't make it. The Magnificent Seven can pull it off anyway! Well, Nitey Nite Bloggers!
01:47:00 01 October 2007
My Saturday was well spent with friends. Break fast at West Coast Park. We had alot of food! And yes! I really mean ALOT! There was Chicken Rice, KFC and Canadian Pizza. At around 8, Ahmad started saying, "Wastage, Wastage, Wastage". Haha! Indeed! We stayed there all the way till 130 am until we decided to call it a day. It was fun though. Chit-chatting, trying very hard to take a picture of a "flying saucer" , trying to do yoga(what the hell?) and more chit-chatting. Hmm, Monday..How I wish that weekdays turn to weekends and weekends is weekdays, we can spend more time with friends and love ones that way. Haha! Hopefully the Government will take it into consideration. Hahaha! Bring it on Monday Blues! What's work without the supervisor around? Except for Faizal's gay partner being around like the pest that he is. Besides that, nothing much, people, IT'S DRAWING NEAR!