So far, mine has been great..spending it with the loved ones =)
On Friday Darlz, Dinah and Me had our mini-iftar at Es Teler@ Far East. Its been such a long time since we ate there and we were enjoying every spoonful.
After that Naq came down and we all chilled at Starbucks. We all missed our weekly dosage. Darlz and Naq with their Choc Cream Chip, Dinah with her Vanilla Latte and me with my Good Ol' Frap Caramel.
Soon after Shahril joined but Darlz and me had to leave early before Norman got to join us.

On Saturday, la familia drove down to Angsana. We walked every inch of that place, explored every shop and spent a whopping 5 hours there. YES!! Solely Angsana..Gosh.
So aniways, we reached there about 2pm and within that time, we managed to get Adli's and Ayah's baju kurung, A big vase and all kinds of kuih raya. We bought food at the bazaar and settled down somewhere in the shopping centre to break our fast. We had decided to eat at Singgah Selalu for a proper meal since Adik and Me so badly wanted the seafood and Ayah cant tolerate the dirt on his car. We made our way there about 8 pm.
We had our food while our car was being scrubbed clean.
Ayah was beaming away when he saw his shiny car.
Reached home close to 12pm.
A day well spent with the family.=)

On Monday
I had to attend a curriculum review. Now we have subject heads to Language and Numeracy.
And Im under Numeracy. Just like those Head of Departments in Primary and Secondary school. Haiz..
Work just seem to be getting endless..
On Tuesday
Sarah and Me went out to source for our 'ballerina' skirt for the Concert. We were eyeing on particular shop-the skirts were on sale at 2 for $15!!- but we wanted to source out for the 'can can' to go underneath the skirt to make it stand.
We walked non-stop from Bugis to Bras Basah to Golden Landmark to Arab St-Aliwal St.
Our efforts were futile so we went back to Bugis Village to grab the skirts.. Great Deals just cant wait.
And of course, we side-tracked and bought a bag each. haha....
Aniwaes, Sarah was such a sweetheart. Though we were walking in the hot sun, she insisted on not buying any drinks. I knew she was thirsty. Yet she still said she was ok and just wanted to sit down. Both our energy level was running at an all time low. We break our fast at Burger King coz she wanted a huge coke. And fast food restaurants served the fastest and coldest cokes. I tink when she said this, the sun was getting into her head. Thus she fasted from 2pm till 7.08pm.
Ended the day about 9pm and I bet we lost 1 or 2 kg due to all those walking.
Phew..there goes my four days of holiday...
Today will be spending time at home to bake kuih raya...
Thinking of it already make my back ache but without baking home made kuih..its like going out without bringing your wallet.Possible but not right.
And who can deny that the smell of baking from the oven is one of those unforgettable pleasant smells ever. =)